


Thinking Back, Looking Forward
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

Thinking Back, Looking Forward

As usual, it’s hard to believe that another year has already come and gone, but here we sit in 2024. At Foundry, we are very excited for the upcoming year, and we look forward to all that the Lord has in store for us in the next 12 months.

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We Win!
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

We Win!

T.S. Elliot famously said, “April is the cruelest month.” What good could come out of it? I’ll tell you. The Resurrection!

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A Not-So-Subtle Reminder
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

A Not-So-Subtle Reminder

It was a good solid thought and, as far as sermons go, a
fun one to give. Then Monday happened.

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A Sense of the Moment
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

A Sense of the Moment

In 2022, for the first time ever, the World Cup is being played at this time of the year. This is the biggest tournament in the world, and it brings together over a billion people watching and hoping their team can lift the trophy. … The World Cup is huge, but it pales in comparison to the celebration that the birth of our universe-changing Messiah causes each and every year.

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What’s New at Foundry?
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

What’s New at Foundry?

With autumn approaching, we are excited to share about some of the changes that are happening here at Foundry. Change can be difficult and scary, but also inspiring and invigorating.

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Don’t Miss Family Camp 2022…No, Really. Don’t.
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

Don’t Miss Family Camp 2022…No, Really. Don’t.

We’re going to be talking about our legacy here at Foundry Church. From our humble beginnings back in 1904, to our present, and even projecting out into the future, it will be a time of reflection, prayer, planning, and dreaming, and we want all of you there!

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Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright


It is easy to set our eyes on what doesn’t matter. This world has a way of making things that have very little, if any, eternal value seem like they’re all that matters. We can easily be distracted from the best and the eternal by the good and the temporal. When this happens we become inward focused and can be overtaken by fear and anxiety.

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Resurrection Day!
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

Resurrection Day!

Springtime brings flowers, warmer weather, new life, and a fresh feel to the air. It is interesting that God chose this time of year to bring about the greatest event in all of history.

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Moving Forward
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

Moving Forward

The church, at large, has been through a very difficult couple of years. Church attendance is down across the board, people are frustrated at levels that have rarely been seen, and solid answers to legitimate questions seem hard to come by. Foundry has not been immune to the problem.

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Our Hope
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

Our Hope

What gets us through this life?  What gets us through the anxiety, sadness, peril, stumbling, stress, and all the unknowns that plague our thoughts?  What gets us through the battles and hardships that seem to be our constant companions?  Just when we think we have it worse than just about anyone we run across someone who has it worse even still.  What gets them through their situations? 

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