Moving Forward

The church, at large, has been through a very difficult couple of years. Church attendance is down across the board, people are frustrated at levels that have rarely been seen, and solid answers to legitimate questions seem hard to come by. Foundry has not been immune to the problem. We have been hit particularly hard because of how big an emphasis that we have always placed on togetherness.

We used to have snacks provided every Sunday after church, and we would all hang out and have conversations that varied from casual to serious, but we were all together. We have been known for that in the community. When COVID struck and we were forced to adapt and change as we tried to balance common sense with honoring our chosen leaders, it hit us right where it hurt the most. It has been a tough road.

We have lost families for various reasons. We have lost friends and family to Heaven. We have been through various hardships that have challenged us in ways we weren’t expecting. It has been a very difficult two years.

BUT…we’re still here!

We have made it to the other side of much of this. We have lost, but we have also gained. We have been hurt, but we are not defeated. We have spent some time in the valley, but we are headed up the other side! Paul went through mind bending trials on his faith journey that few of us can relate to, and here’s what he had to say,

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” - 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

We have been through hard things, but God has been faithful. It has been perplexing and hurtful, but it has strengthened our resolve. Now it’s time to leave the past where it is and move forward into the glorious future that God has for Foundry Church. It’s time to pray and seek God’s face so that we are guided by His spirit and not our own power. It’s time to get excited about seeing Foundry shine bright for the gospel in the middle of downtown Bend. We are a victorious people with a great history and heritage that tells us that, in Jesus, we overcome and we win! Let’s embrace that truth and march forward into the path that God has for us here at Foundry Church!

Trevor Waybright

I was born and raised in Ripley, WV and graduated from Ripley High School in 1992. I then attended Crown College in Powell, TN where I met my wife, Joy, and we were married in 1997. After we graduated we moved to Beckley, WV where I was a youth pastor for 14 months. In early 2000, we moved to Pasco, WA and then down to Hermiston, OR where we started Victory Baptist Church in October of that year. God taught us much about grace and mercy and gave us three wonderful children (Jordan, Justin, and Alyssa) in the 14 years we were in Hermiston. In November of 2014, I accepted the position of Lead Teaching Elder here at Foundry and we relocated to Bend that same month.


Preach the Gospel to Yourself Everyday


Put Down the Glass, But That’s Not All