Don’t Miss Family Camp 2022…No, Really. Don’t.

It’s hard to believe that it’s already August and that it’s almost Family Camp time! We’re so excited for this year’s camp. We’re going to be talking about our legacy here at Foundry Church. From our humble beginnings back in 1904, to our present, and even projecting out into the future, it will be a time of reflection, prayer, planning, and dreaming, and we want all of you there! There is something intense, spiritual, and special when there is deliberate and intentional time spent together, and this is one of those opportunities to forge friendships, strengthen families, and bring our church closer together.

We have an amazing history. For those of you who may be new to Foundry, our original name was First Baptist Church, we were founded in 1904 (the same year Bend was incorporated), and we’ve been located on the same property ever since. We are currently in our third building. The bell that sits in our courtyard is the original bell that was forged in 1904. It was used as the first bell for the fire department all those years ago. From generation to generation, things have changed and morphed, but one of the bedrocks of downtown Bend has been the presence of Foundry Church. It hasn’t been perfect, but we’re still right where we’ve always been.

With that in mind, how do we really make an impact in the downtown area and Bend in general? How do we move forward with purpose and in prayer to make Jesus famous in our community that we’ve been in the middle of for well over a century? How do we keep from just fading into the background of all the noise and celebration that goes on around us? How do we make sure that our heritage is passed on to the next generation and generations after that? How do we teach our children the great truth of the Gospel, develop future leaders, bring in the seeking and the lost, and keep the great legacy of Jesus going on through Foundry Church?

These are all things that we’re going to talk through, pray over, and dream about at Family Camp 2022. We want you all there to be a part of this grand conversation! You don’t want to miss it! See you there!

Trevor Waybright

I was born and raised in Ripley, WV and graduated from Ripley High School in 1992. I then attended Crown College in Powell, TN where I met my wife, Joy, and we were married in 1997. After we graduated we moved to Beckley, WV where I was a youth pastor for 14 months. In early 2000, we moved to Pasco, WA and then down to Hermiston, OR where we started Victory Baptist Church in October of that year. God taught us much about grace and mercy and gave us three wonderful children (Jordan, Justin, and Alyssa) in the 14 years we were in Hermiston. In November of 2014, I accepted the position of Lead Teaching Elder here at Foundry and we relocated to Bend that same month.


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