Five Objects of Wonder, Part 1

What wondrous works of God fill you with awe when you take time to quietly meditate upon them? All of God’s creation is good, but some things really get my head in a spin and make it hard to wipe a grateful grin off my face. Here is a starter list, one of many, I hope:

  1. Kangaroos: I came across a video online yesterday showing the development of a baby kangaroo in its mother’s pouch. Apparently one can open and look into the pouch during all stages of growth without it harming the baby or its mother. The process is captivating, a little gross, and wonderful.

  2. Fireflies: Light was created on Day 1, the heavenly lights on Day 4, and sometime during Day 5 or 6, God made insects with their very own light bulbs. We don’t see these little charmers very often in the High Desert, but I remember staring out my window in Massachusetts on summer nights marveling at what I grew up calling “lightning bugs.” The twilight sky would be filled with hundreds of tiny little green lights, and God made that!

  3. Lightning: Another marvel we don’t see nearly enough in Central Oregon is lightning. I recall as a boy being entertained by nightly Summer light shows in the Texas skies. I bet there are more types of lightning than you know. My dad says he once saw “ball lightning” that hit the ground and bounced around the West Texas plateau.

  4. Magnets: If you want to witness a miracle at very little expense or trouble, play with a magnet. We take them for granted, but magnets are magical. I would love to have seen the look on the faces of the first people to witness a piece of metal fly through the air on its own.

  5. Outer Space: The recently released images from the James Webb telescope are simply mind-blowing, making the older Hubble images look like what I see when a contact lens falls out. My favorite is the one of SMACS J0723, a cluster of hundreds of galaxies about 4,000,000,000 lightyears away from my eyeballs. “Can you fathom the depths of God or discover the limits of the Almighty?” (Job 11:7 CSB) I sure can’t!

What makes your jaw drop? What fills you with a sense that God is great and greatly to be praised? I hope to share more of these lists in the future and also hear from you about your lists. You can email them to

Austin Evans

After graduating from Pepperdine University, Austin enjoyed a brief professional baseball career with the Texas Rangers organization. Austin has a BS in Mathematics from Pepperdine and an MA in Education from the University of Massachusetts. He taught high school mathematics for 8 years and now owns and operates licensed care facilities.

Austin and his wife, Sara, have four children and are involved in the ministry of adoption of orphans.


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