Thinking Back, Looking Forward

As usual, it’s hard to believe that another year has already come and gone, but here we sit in 2024. At Foundry, we are very excited for the upcoming year, and we look forward to all that the Lord has in store for us in the next 12 months.

Mission and Values

To start off, we have updated our Mission and Values to try and really capture who we are and what we’re all about. Our Mission Statement is, “Following Jesus and Making Him Known”. We believe that this captures the essence of Foundry Church. We are a bunch of people with real passions and problems coming together and doing our Spirit-empowered best to follow Jesus and let our world know all about Him. You’ll be seeing this statement in various places around and about Foundry to help keep us focused on our mission.

Our Values for years have been Connect, Grow, Serve, and now we’ve added Go to more fully capture what we value as a community of believers. We follow Jesus by connecting with each other through the various opportunities provided by the church and using those opportunities to grow. We make Jesus known by serving one another, our community, and world through small groups, local and global missions, and the many other service opportunities that we can participate in. And, finally, we make Jesus known by going into our neighborhoods, communities, and the world and creatively and intentionally bringing Christ into the conversation.

Looking Forward

Along with our newly stated Mission and Vision, we are looking forward to all the things that we do that makes Foundry so unique. We are looking forward to hearing all about the missionaries we support, celebrating Easter, mission trips, Family Camp, Harvest Party, Advent, and so much more! We know 2024 will be full of ups and downs, but no matter what comes our way we can rest assured that our foundation is secure and will hold through it all. We love following Jesus, and we love it all the more following him with all of you. Thank you for an amazing 2023, and all the memories that you helped to make. Here’s to all the memories that were going to make in 2024! We love all of you! Happy New Year!

Trevor Waybright

I was born and raised in Ripley, WV and graduated from Ripley High School in 1992. I then attended Crown College in Powell, TN where I met my wife, Joy, and we were married in 1997. After we graduated we moved to Beckley, WV where I was a youth pastor for 14 months. In early 2000, we moved to Pasco, WA and then down to Hermiston, OR where we started Victory Baptist Church in October of that year. God taught us much about grace and mercy and gave us three wonderful children (Jordan, Justin, and Alyssa) in the 14 years we were in Hermiston. In November of 2014, I accepted the position of Lead Teaching Elder here at Foundry and we relocated to Bend that same month.


Third? No, Thanks


Peeling Oranges - Part 1