


Chapel In The Pines
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Chapel In The Pines

For almost 32 years a tiny church in Camp Sherman has shown me and my family what a simple gathering of Jesus followers can accomplish so long as no one cares who gets the credit. Every few weeks I serve there as part of a speaking team, and I never fail to learn some new things every time I visit.

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3 Things I Learned While Mending Fences
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

3 Things I Learned While Mending Fences

Back when Dan asked me to be his bride, COVID-19 was still the top story in the news. Our method of sheltering in place consisted of exploring the Cascade trails in our hiking boots and snowshoes. And getting some outdoor projects done around his place.

One of the tasks on our to-do list was mending a pole fence. Fifty new poles. And that was just the front yard.

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Old Friends and Long Roads
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Old Friends and Long Roads

When a group of old guys who have known each other since college gather, it doesn't take much for them to slip back into familiar rhythms. Each winter for over 40 years, close after Christmas, I have gotten together with a group of chuckleheads whom I treasure. We all were friends at OSU in the '70s and we have hitched our wagons to Jesus, and committed to keep in contact with one another. When we gather we eat, retell old adventures, have played some bad poker, dog each other (if you have a thin skin this isn't the group for you), then settle in to share stories of the past year.

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My Worst Trait as a Pastor
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

My Worst Trait as a Pastor

If you're reading this, you may already know that I served as a pastor for most of my adult life. I continue receiving speaking opportunities even now for which I'm grateful. I feel gifted and called to be a pastor.

Unfortunately, everyone brings their weaknesses and character faults into any occupation or vocation, myself included.

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Is Joy a Choice?
Marlys Lowry Marlys Lawry Marlys Lowry Marlys Lawry

Is Joy a Choice?

This quote from Bella Grace magazine ends with a thought-provoking question: “It’s easy to fall into the trap of equating being busy with being worthy and fulfilled. Take a moment and let the world fall quiet around you. What truly brings you joy?”

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Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Michael Long Michael Long

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Albert Ellis is credited with coining the phrase “stinking thinking” to describe “the human tendency to persistently engage with thoughts that do not serve us”. The irony is…

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The Limits of Christian Freedom
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

The Limits of Christian Freedom

Last week, when the Oregon legislature again failed to enact self-serve, I rolled my eyes and thought how shortsighted their action was.

But I'll continue to allow someone else to pump my gas because it's not an issue over which I'm willing to exercise my freedom at the expense of someone else's livelihood.

This same principle holds true when it comes to our Christian liberty.

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Mishearing Messages
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Mishearing Messages

I've wondered over the years of my faith journey how many times I have misunderstood, misheard, misinterpreted, or just plain missed a God message.

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(You) Be Strong and Courageous
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

(You) Be Strong and Courageous

I can’t see the crumbled Ukraine buildings, the despairing mothers carrying frightened children, or the crowded train stations … without putting myself in that place.

How would I feel? What would I do in that terror-filled, horror-filled place? Would my actions play out in bravery or cowardice?

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Have You Ever Thought About…
Michael Long Michael Long

Have You Ever Thought About…

…Paul’s thorn in the flesh?
…The common but mistaken essence of the Christian faith?
…Why some “one anothers” didn’t qualify to be in the New Testament?

I have, too. And apparently, we’re not alone. Read on if you’re curious…

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Do the Work of an Evangelist
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

Do the Work of an Evangelist

I grew up in a Christian environment that emphasized telling others about Jesus. "Witnessing" was not an activity reserved for a few.

When I became a church pastor, that mentality changed.

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Oh, Envy
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Oh, Envy

A few Sundays ago, the Doonesbury comic featured Joanie, a Boomer like many of us, and Alex, a youngster like some of you, discussing social media. The oldster was asking which platform she might join. The 20-something describes the options…

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Take Your Shoes Off, Please
Becki Doden, RN Becki Doden, RN

Take Your Shoes Off, Please

We have a “No Shoe” policy in our house. We don’t wear shoes in our home, and we ask guests to please remove their shoes when they arrive. This may seem unnecessary, especially if shoes aren’t muddy or wet but, out of courtesy, they oblige. On the flip side, many people we know wear shoes inside of their homes. When I visit people who wear shoes in their house, it feels awkward to me to wear my shoes inside but…. like the old saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans.”

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The Essence of Hospitality
Lois Anderson Lois Anderson

The Essence of Hospitality

Hospitality was a prominent quality in Pakistan. At every home we were welcomed, “Salaam alekum. Come, come. You must have chai.” Even as we shopped, chai was proffered. Sometimes it was green chai - a sweet, unfermented tea. Most of the time, it was that hot, fragrant, sweet milk tea made with cardamom - almost a meal by itself when made with rich water buffalo milk. The contrast was great - the richness of the chai and the poverty of the people.

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Preach the Gospel to Yourself Everyday
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

Preach the Gospel to Yourself Everyday

For much of my Christian life, I've struggled with accepting God's love and forgiveness. Becoming a child of God didn't automatically rid me of my deep insecurities and perfectionistic streak. Becoming a pastor only made things worse.

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Moving Forward
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

Moving Forward

The church, at large, has been through a very difficult couple of years. Church attendance is down across the board, people are frustrated at levels that have rarely been seen, and solid answers to legitimate questions seem hard to come by. Foundry has not been immune to the problem.

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Put Down the Glass, But That’s Not All
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Put Down the Glass, But That’s Not All

Every generation faces stress and battles stressors. I remember my folks talking about being young and scared and relatively poor during the Depression and WWII. I grew up living near two Air Force bases and did routine "duck and cover" drills in school and being told we may very well face a nuclear attack (and to take heart that our elementary desk would protect us). Today, we have our share of stressors everywhere we look, and I don't need to rehearse them for you since they seem to come running in packs, each barking for attention.

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Beware of Destination Addiction
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Beware of Destination Addiction

On our way home from serving at Family Kitchen, the thought came to me: I’m looking forward to going to Hawaii [Dan and I are scheduled for a week in the sunny islands], but take Hawaii out of the picture and I’m deeply content where I am. Here. Now.

It hasn’t always been this way, though.

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Brain Games
Becki Doden, RN Becki Doden, RN

Brain Games

I don’t know about you but the older I get the more I ask myself, “Why did I walk into this room?

As we grow older, we need to exercise our bodies AND our brains!

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Mark Anderson Mark Anderson


We went to a different church one Sunday so we missed the sermon in our own church on Song of Solomon. And our pastor had even promised that it would be rated PG-13! But the church we visited was also talking about love. Just so I wouldn’t miss out, I spent the announcement time reading the first chapter of Song of Solomon.

I got as far as verse five: “Dark am I, yet lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, dark like the tents of Kedar”. So, being curious I looked up Kedar.

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