Have You Ever Thought About…

…Paul’s thorn in the flesh?

…The common but mistaken essence of the Christian faith?

…Why some “one anothers” didn’t qualify to be in the New Testament?

I have, too. And apparently, we’re not alone. Read on if you’re curious…

What Was Paul's Thorn in the Flesh? (2 Corinthians 12)

“Here Paul introduces the thorn in the flesh that afflicted him in the wake of his heavenly experience. We today might picture a small rosebush thorn, but the term used (Gk. skolops) could designate objects as large as a stake on which one might be impaled. The thorn generated more than mere annoyance; it generated agony corresponding to the glory of what Paul had seen in the highest heaven. But what was the thorn?” Good question. And does God work the same way though us today?

That’s Not Our Biggest Problem

“I came across another notable Christian last week who was proposing, as so many do these days, that the Christian life, or faith, or whatever it is, should be boiled down to the pithy maxim ‘love God, love your neighbor.'” Anne Kennedy explains why it’s not quite so simple…

“One Anothers” I Can’t Find in the New Testament

Ray Ortlund comments on some of the “one another” commands the Bible doesn’t list and why. “The beautiful ‘one another’ commands of the New Testament are famous. But it is also striking to notice the ‘one anothers’ that do not appear there. For example…”

Michael Long

My college sweetheart, Patti, and I married in 1975, raised our three kids in Ventura, CA, moved to Bend in 2005, and loved on our daughter’s family and the people of Foundry Church until 2023 when we returned to SoCal to be in the lives of our two youngest grandkids.

An entrepreneur at heart, my career path included teaching, counseling, consulting, graphic design, marketing, computers, and music, both in the marketplace and in churches. Some may consider that impressive, but don’t be fooled. Being and husband and a Papa is the sweetest joy of all.


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