


Nobody Likes Change Except a Wet Baby
Michael Long Michael Long

Nobody Likes Change Except a Wet Baby

Post 4 in my series Metaphors That Matter: Insights into Life’s Challenges

Temporary change (think New Year’s Eve resolutions) can be exciting. You’ve determined to try something new, and if you don’t like it, you can just go back to your previous routine. Long-term change, on the other hand, can be scary, demanding, and unsettling.

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Coke Machine or Slot Machine?
Michael Long Michael Long

Coke Machine or Slot Machine?

Post 3 in my series Metaphors That Matter: Insights into Life’s Challenges

The psychology behind a Coke machine is exactly the reverse of a slot machine. Should this matter to you? Yes, if you have to discipline or reward someone (I’m thinking especially of you, parents).

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The Magpie and the Mole, Part 2
Michael Long Michael Long

The Magpie and the Mole, Part 2

Post 2 in my series Metaphors That Matter: Insights into Life’s Challenges

This week we’ll look at the Mole’s challenges and some of the bumps in the road to making a difficult marriage flourish.

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The Magpie and the Mole, Part 1
Michael Long Michael Long

The Magpie and the Mole, Part 1

Post 1 in my series Metaphors That Matter: Insights into Life’s Challenges
It’s a truism, dating back at least to the 1800s, that opposites attract. It’s certainly true with magnets, but is it true with people?

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Stay Dead
Michael Long Michael Long

Stay Dead

There is one question I have seen all over the Internet and heard in discussions recently. People are contemplating, “What does love require?” So profound in its simplicity. So intimidating in its reach.

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Be What You Is, Not What You Ain’t
Michael Long Michael Long

Be What You Is, Not What You Ain’t

On Easter Sunday, April 11, 1971, I learned who I really was. It was both a shock and a relief. A shock because I discovered I was not at all who I thought I was. And a relief because…I discovered I was not at all who I thought I was.

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Who Do You Say I Am?
Michael Long Michael Long

Who Do You Say I Am?

Two men have had a tremendous influence on my ability to verbalize my faith in the form of a credo—Simon Peter and J.I. Packer. And rather than diluting their statements, with which I concur, let me quote them directly.

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Follow Me?
Michael Long Michael Long

Follow Me?

Would you be surprised to discover that Jesus never commanded us to convert anyone? And if you think about it, he never tried to convert anyone, either. Instead, when he chose his disciples, he issued a two-word invitation—a command, really—“Follow me”. Why did he put it that way?

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Can You Love the Church but not the People?
Michael Long Michael Long

Can You Love the Church but not the People?

The Church. The Bride of Christ. An Assembly of Saints. A Royal Priesthood. Those are accurate but intimidating descriptions of God’s people. We all agree that the local expression of that comes up a bit short. So what does it mean to love the church?

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Thimble or Bucket?
Michael Long Michael Long

Thimble or Bucket?

When God offers to fill your cup in prayer, do you pull out a thimble or a bucket? Yes, he’ll fill whatever you offer, and you’ll feel full to overflowing. But…

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A Tattoo on My Soul
Michael Long Michael Long

A Tattoo on My Soul

One sentence. If you blink or let your mind wander like I did some years ago when I skimmed past it, you might miss it. After all, it’s only one sentence—one sentence in one paragraph in one section of one chapter of one book.

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Unlock All the Doors
Michael Long Michael Long

Unlock All the Doors

If you compare your life to a house, you may have invited Jesus in, but each of us keeps one or more rooms locked and the key hidden so Jesus can't get in to straighten up. In these rooms we hide our secret pleasures that we know Jesus would disapprove of. Maybe it's

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Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Michael Long Michael Long

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Albert Ellis is credited with coining the phrase “stinking thinking” to describe “the human tendency to persistently engage with thoughts that do not serve us”. The irony is…

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Have You Ever Thought About…
Michael Long Michael Long

Have You Ever Thought About…

…Paul’s thorn in the flesh?
…The common but mistaken essence of the Christian faith?
…Why some “one anothers” didn’t qualify to be in the New Testament?

I have, too. And apparently, we’re not alone. Read on if you’re curious…

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What (or Who) Is Your Obsession? (Part 3)
Michael Long Michael Long

What (or Who) Is Your Obsession? (Part 3)

In Part 2, we looked at five questions that could help us define our true obsession. Now we finish by considering how obsession is worship and how that defines your mission.

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What (or Who) Is Your Obsession? (Part 2)
Michael Long Michael Long

What (or Who) Is Your Obsession? (Part 2)

Cartoon Calvin is obsessed. So are you. He has a purpose. So do you. He’s known for something. You are, too. What is it? Here are five questions that could help you discover your obsession.

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Who (or What) Is Your Obsession? (Part 1)
Michael Long Michael Long

Who (or What) Is Your Obsession? (Part 1)

For years I’ve used insight from Calvin-and-Hobbesian theology to illustrate points I’m trying to make in my teachings. This particular brand of Calvin-ism (as contrasted with John’s) is the quintessential representation of the world’s exciting-but-oh-so-bankrupt philosophy of life. Calvin’s obsessions, like ours, defines his purpose.

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Don’t Pray for Strength
Michael Long Michael Long

Don’t Pray for Strength

You can stop praying for God to give you the Holy Spirit, for God to be with you, to have more love for people and God, or for strength. Yes, really. Here’s why.

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