


When I Don’t Know What to Do
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

When I Don’t Know What to Do

How often have you been in that place when you are at your end and truly don’t know what to do? I’ve spent plenty of nights in that bad hotel.

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4 Tips for Facing Down Fear
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

4 Tips for Facing Down Fear

If we can remind ourselves—as often as we need to—that life doesn’t end when tragedy or loss occurs. And it doesn’t start when we realize our dreams and goals. Life is here and now, to be noticed and lived with full hearts of gratitude while wearing the courage of Jesus Christ.

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How Great Thou Art! Part 1
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

How Great Thou Art! Part 1

I went to school as a young boy. They gave me this textbook called "All about numbers". I studied that book and learned it. I learned all the numbers from 1 to 10, I could write them all and recognize them. I knew all about numbers.

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Al Hulbert Al Hulbert


The king of the universe, the creator of all the seen and unseen worlds, the glue that holds it all together knows your name and desires you to be "with" him.

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7 Practical Ways to Invest in Your Marriage
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

7 Practical Ways to Invest in Your Marriage

Dan and I are still newlyweds—sort of. But before our newlywed years, we accumulated decades of marital experience. Which means, we learned a thing or two.

So we put our heads together and came up with a list of practical ways we can invest in our marriages—nothing earth-shakingly new, but important reminders.

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Nobody Likes Change Except a Wet Baby
Michael Long Michael Long

Nobody Likes Change Except a Wet Baby

Post 4 in my series Metaphors That Matter: Insights into Life’s Challenges

Temporary change (think New Year’s Eve resolutions) can be exciting. You’ve determined to try something new, and if you don’t like it, you can just go back to your previous routine. Long-term change, on the other hand, can be scary, demanding, and unsettling.

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Before You Pray, Ponder
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Before You Pray, Ponder

Meditation is simply taking what you have discovered and chewing on it. Pondering. Wondering. Rolling it over and over in your quiet mind as the psalmists say, day and night.

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Three Cheers for the Bible, Part 1
Austin Evans Austin Evans

Three Cheers for the Bible, Part 1

Important things in the Bible are often grouped in threes. (A fascinating account of these can be found here.) This article, therefore, begins a three part series on my love of God’s word.

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Intentionally Grateful
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Intentionally Grateful

Being a grandparent to a four year old is great: fun, exhausting, humbling…but mostly fun. We get to watch our G-daughter most Mondays and I play my part in the wake of a very smart and intentional grandma.

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Thoughts on Adoption and Our Chosen-ness
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Thoughts on Adoption and Our Chosen-ness

Foundry Church has a significant number of families who have expanded their size through adoption. One young couple is currently preparing to adopt for the second time. To help offset the expenses, Foundry established an adoption fund, and families in the church are organizing a fundraiser.

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The Growth of Trees
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

The Growth of Trees

It's funny how some memories stick and stay, like cheat grass in your socks.

I remember one time as a freshman at OSU, sitting in the MU quad with my mentor at the time, Tom Romberg. He laid on his back in the sun listening to me whine about my lack of faith in some area and how it seemed my spiritual growth was either dormant or so slow as to show almost no signs of progress.

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A Different Way of Seeing
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

A Different Way of Seeing

It’s become popular in recent years for professing Christians to deconstruct their faith. Usually, it begins with some kind of trauma or event that disrupts the deeply held beliefs of individuals.

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Just Last Week
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Just Last Week

Just last week was Holy Week, and another reminder of how deep is the love of God and how current remains its message. Thursday, for me, was one of the highlights of the week.

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The Great Recycler
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

The Great Recycler

God does this thing that’s even more useful and beautiful than what Josh & Summer’s church did for them in anticipation of adding three more children to their family. He takes our sorrows and losses and transforms them into something beautiful and useful if we allow it.

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We Win!
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

We Win!

T.S. Elliot famously said, “April is the cruelest month.” What good could come out of it? I’ll tell you. The Resurrection!

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What God Says About Jesus
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

What God Says About Jesus

I'm going to guess that most of you have never heard a message or Bible lesson on Psalm 110. But for first century Christians, many of whom were from Jewish backgrounds, Psalm 110 rose to the top in importance in prefiguring their newfound Messiah-Savior Jesus.

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Easter Week
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Easter Week

This week, I won't step into the flow of the week with any Al-commentary. For me, all the drama speaks for itself and leads steadfastly to Friday's horror, erased by Sunday's glory. Through the pain and loss to the newness of life.

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Open My Eyes
Janine Toomey Janine Toomey

Open My Eyes

It has been our custom to take our grandchildren to Foundry Church Family Camp in August the last several years. My husband, Steve, and I have always camped in tents resisting the bourgeoisie recreation trailers with cushy chairs and beds. The grandkids were invited to join us as soon as they were potty trained.

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He Looked Up
Austin Evans Austin Evans

He Looked Up

Welcome to Passion Week, Palm Sunday to Easter, where nearly 2/3 of the four gospels are devoted to telling the story of that brief period in the life of our Savior.

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Your Calling
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Your Calling

I can't tell you how many times I have heard an earnest believer in vocational ministry talk of their "calling from God." And in just as many times, if I'm being transparent, I have felt a bit less-than.

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