How Great Thou Art! Part 1

This will be a four-part blog post, focusing on the greatness of God. I admit to plagiarizing. Long ago, when we used to have Family Camp in the woods at Crescent Lake, Bob Powel gave a similar talk one evening. I can't match all the information and wisdom that Bob shared but his talk inspired my thoughts. If I have gotten some things mixed up, I'm sure Bob could straighten them out.

Part One

I went to school as a young boy. They gave me this textbook called "All about numbers". I studied that book and learned it. I learned all the numbers from 1 to 10, I could write them all and recognize them. I knew all about numbers.

But I found out later that the teacher had lied to me. Because I went back the next year, and they gave me another book called "More about numbers". The first book wasn't all about numbers after all. There was more they hadn't told me about. I later learned that numbers didn't stop at 10, they went up way beyond what you could imagine. And I learned they didn't start at 1 but they started at zero. Later I learned they didn't start at zero either but went backwards into negative numbers farther than you could imagine. As I got into high school, I learned that numbers did not just go to the right and left, but the number scale also went up and down with things called imaginary numbers. Then I learned about complex numbers with real and imaginary parts, and about vectors—numbers that had both magnitude and direction. We studied matrixes and sets of numbers. In university many of my math textbooks would say, "The treatment of this subject is beyond the scope of this book."

So, when I finished first grade, I knew all about numbers. When I graduated from university, I hardly knew anything about numbers.

And it is the same with God. The more we learn about him, the more we realize that we hardly know anything about him at all. The Scriptures agree.

  • How great is God—beyond our understanding! The number of his years is past finding out. (Job 36:25)

  • Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! (Rom. 11:33)

  • Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? (Rom 11:34)

It is my prayer that, as a result of this blog series, you will know less about God than before—or at least realize that He is far greater than you ever imagined.


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