


I Am
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

I Am

It's a strange name. Jehovah, the God of Israel, revealed this name to Moses when he stood before the burning bush, with his shoes removed. The name, I'm sure, was very significant to Moses at that time.

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Al Hulbert Al Hulbert


There is a lesson for us to glean from an interesting relational story midway through the book of Genesis. 

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How to Make This Day Count
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

How to Make This Day Count

One of the things I tried to do during my first husband’s declining months was set aside projects—which isn’t natural for this project-oriented girl—and simply be present for him. Reading companionably together. Playing Words with Friends. Trying new recipes to entice him to eat.

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The Three of Me
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

The Three of Me

In a self-published book titled, Uncommon Thoughts on Commonly Held Beliefs, Glenn Murray in one chapter discusses our identity. Who we portray to our world, who we are on the inside, then how God sees us.

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Three Cheers for the Bible, Part 2
Austin Evans Austin Evans

Three Cheers for the Bible, Part 2

Continuing from April’s three-cheer celebration of the Bible, this month’s entry is the star of the show—the gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; four related but unique accounts of the earthly ministry of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior, the Redeemer, the King of Kings.

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Wrestling With Myself
Steve Toomey Steve Toomey

Wrestling With Myself

“When I think of all that I have to be thankful for I wonder that you (God) don’t just kill me now because You’ve done so much for me already & I haven’t been particularly grateful.”

What effrontery! Who would dare be so honest as to put such a thought to pencil and paper?

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When the Thug Kicks in Your Door
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

When the Thug Kicks in Your Door

“Calamity” is an interesting word. The dictionary says calamity is…

A state of deep distress or misery caused by a major misfortune or loss.

Calamity doesn’t send an evite with an RSVP request. It refuses to knock and ask permission to enter.

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People: Accidental and On Purpose
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

People: Accidental and On Purpose

On the way to our mailbox down the street, I noticed a woman slowly rolling a large tire from her car to the side of her garage. My first thought was, “She shouldn’t be doing that. I’ll unload her tires for her.”

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How Great Thou Art! Part 4
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

How Great Thou Art! Part 4

Let’s consider time for a while.

Time is the basis for all measurements. The basic unit of length is the distance light travels in a unit of time. Power is defined as the work that can be done in a unit of time.

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On Beauty
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

On Beauty

There are times when I'm out riding my bike, whether running errands or on a tour, when all I see is the 18" in front of my tire. I look down and trudge along. I'm making progress, but it sure feels like a chore.

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Telling Stories, Teaching Truth
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

Telling Stories, Teaching Truth

Several years ago, I sent a sermon CD (many years ago!) to a church searching for an interim pastor. When I heard back from them, they told me that my sermon contained, in their words, “too many stories”.

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It’s Graduation Season
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

It’s Graduation Season

Spring dances in and drags with it another season of commencement ceremonies, and along for the ride are graduation speeches. Colleges and Universities compete for the best and most popular to come grace their school with wisdom, wit or, many times, blowhardiness.

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You, Too, Can Be a Superhero
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

You, Too, Can Be a Superhero

A superhero is typically defined as a good person with superhuman powers. But what if a superhero is really just an everyday human who chooses to do good?

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Minivan Life
Austin Evans Austin Evans

Minivan Life

“Never Say Never,” warned a minivan’s bumper as I drove through town the other day. If you have never lived the minivan lifestyle, I can shell the nut for you.

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Dogs and Fleas
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Dogs and Fleas

People say that complaining (howling) is the coin of the realm in any organization. There is never an end to stuff we think should be done better. From my experience, gritching and moaning most often comes when folks are distracted from their mission and focus on smaller targets.

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How Great Thou Art! Part 3
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

How Great Thou Art! Part 3

Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity gives the relationship between mass and energy and shows that they can be changed into each other. The equation, e = mc² is the basic principle behind the atomic bomb.

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The Breath of God
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

The Breath of God

Many churches around the world will commemorate this Sunday, May 28th, as Pentecost Sunday, remembering the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as recorded in Acts 2:1-13. Here are some observations about one of the most important events in church and world history.

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The Power of a Mentor
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

The Power of a Mentor

He couldn't have picked me out of a line-up, nor called me over to share a lunch table. As far as I know, I never stood in the same zip code with Tim Keller. Yet, there are few people who have moved my faith life forward as much as him. Last Friday, Tim passed from this life to the presence of Jesus.

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What if We Have a Choice in How We Suffer?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

What if We Have a Choice in How We Suffer?

When you face hard places, what if you could come out on the other side wiser, kinder, stronger? Would it be worth it? Speaking from experience, yes … not that I go looking for hard things.

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How Great Thou Art! Part 2
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

How Great Thou Art! Part 2

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” (Ps 19:1)

If we look to the heavens, our solar system and the universe beyond, we begin to get a glimpse of the majesty of God.

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