After With, What?

At the Habitat ReStore, I work the floor. The role is part concierge ("Let me know if I can help you"), part Sherpa ("I'll load out that giant armoire and meet you at the roll-up door"), part friendly grandpa ("It's Lucky Hand Monday! Guess which hand has the fruit snack?") and part free listener ("Sure, I'd love to hear your story"). A while back, a regular customer, a guy I know from the store but not outside of it, and who is a Jesus-follower, came into the store followed by a dark cloud. As we wandered the aisles, he let bits of his life fall from his pockets like crumpled receipts. He felt that he had lost his way. His marriage was troubled. His spiritual life, dry. And he hated getting old because most everything hurt. So, we sat on one of our many couches and visited for a bit. After him reviewing his life and me saying little, he stood and said something quite insightful, "I guess the only way out is through, so I best get moving."

My friend's struggle is at times every believer's. The journey we travel takes through hard places. Jesus promises to use it all in crafting in us his likeness and bringing about our best life, but probably not the one we planned. And it's important to remember that even when we feel far removed from him, Jesus is as close as ever.

This interaction reminded me of a quote I recently ran across from Gordon Crosby, and it follows up on last week's thoughts on being with Jesus. 

“Remember, he said: ‘I am the Way.’ Not, at the end of the way you will find me, but I AM the way. As soon as you get started on my way, you will find me. I am the way right beneath your feet, wherever you are, at whatever point you start. If you start from the gutter, there I am with you. If you start from the peaks of worldly success, there I am with you. Keep following, and then, keep praying.”

If being with Jesus talks of intimacy and agreement and mission, then walking the Jesus Way points toward intent and choices and actions. Think about that for a moment and ponder the question: "What does it look like to be with him on his way?" I have a tendency to complicate my faith life and journey. I sometimes act as if God's will for me is a mystery quest or a cosmic game of whack-a-mole. In my right mind I know he wants me to walk closely along his way, and live well, more than I ever could, but it is hard to keep that in front of my thinking.

So, friend, let's think together on what it looks like to travel on the Jesus Way. I texted and asked some of my counselors on what it means to them when Jesus declares himself as the way. Here is a smattering of what I learned: The way is...

  • the basic orientation of my life ( to follow) and the methods I use to do so (the "way" I do things)

  • knowing that his way is ultimately the best for me and to experience all that it means to be a child of God, to actually partake of his nature

  • getting me to answer the question, "what is the life that Jesus would live if he were me"

  • trusting him for my today because he has proved himself faithful all the other days

  • that Jesus made a way for us to God, modeled what that looks like, sets a path for us and that there is none like it

These come from sincere folks who live lives still in process of becoming, just like the rest of us, but who insist on following wherever the way leads. That means following Jesus through whatever we face, just like my ReStore brother. There is much wisdom forged on the anvil of challenging days in the ideas I listed above (maybe read them once more and see what is there for you).

When Jesus told the disciples that he was going away and that they knew the way, Thomas jumped on the obvious with "We don't know the way!" Jesus then said, "I am the way." It is in him we find our direction. With him on the way we discover the methods to use. On his way we learn what it means to be a child of God. With him we journey toward being the best version of ourselves.

Let's pray together to walk in the Jesus Way. Pray for eyes to see the road in the midst of all the dust life kicks up before us. Look to the scriptures for clues from others who have gone before on how to stay glued to the path. Invite others to travel with you, and talk about him and all you are learning about the Way. As long as it is called "today" let's encourage one another all the way to the home he has prepared for us. 

Like my friend said, "I guess the only way out is through, so I'd best get moving." Let's go!


...and another bad joke for the week...

Joe's wife bought a new line of expensive cosmetics guaranteed to make her look years younger. 

After a lengthy sitting before the mirror applying the "miracle" products, she asked, "Darling, honestly, what age would you say I am?"

Looking over her carefully, Joe replied, "Judging from your skin, twenty; your hair, eighteen; and your figure, twenty five."

"Oh, you flatterer!" she gushed.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Joe interrupted. "I haven't added them up yet."

Al Hulbert

Retired pastor, teacher, school administrator, and master of witty sayings.


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“I Want to Hold Your Hand”