


Finding My Father
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

Finding My Father

On the morning of November 2, 1956, my father, Clifford James Coughlin, died suddenly of an MI (myocardial infarction) while lying in bed with my mom. He was only 43 years old.

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Should I Say Yes … or No?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Should I Say Yes … or No?

As we head into the second month of a new year—some of us with goals and intentions in mind—I've been thinking about how to know when to make a new commitment, and when to recognize that our schedules are plenty full.

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Bible Memory Challenge!
Elissa Scott Elissa Scott

Bible Memory Challenge!

If you grew up in the church, maybe, like me, you memorized plenty of Bible verses. I still remember many I learned as a child—we had cassette tapes with Bible verses put to songs and those are still in my brain. And I’m really glad of that, I think it’s important. Scripture memory is something I emphasize with our kidztown classes.

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Austin Evans Austin Evans


Being face-to-face intimate with God is critical to casting away anxiety, and the key to being filled with the fullness of God’s love. Facing the waves means recognizing they are under God’s loving control and mercy.

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A Double Dose of Lewis
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

A Double Dose of Lewis

A couple of months ago, some Bendites received a double-dose of CS Lewis. On a cold Wednesday evening, Foundry Church hosted a movie night and showed a fine Lewis biography. It was a fun evening with friends and an actor, using mostly Lewis' own words, detailing his life and journey to faith

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What If We Lived Connected?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

What If We Lived Connected?

Dan and I made a number of connections this past month, among them a large Christmas gathering with family, a writers’ critique group meeting, and a last-minute drive to Seattle to catch the premier screening of a film—made by a friend and featuring another friend.

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Things the Bible Doesn't Say
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

Things the Bible Doesn't Say

Too often those who are familiar with the Bible, those of us who grew up in Sunday School and heard Bible stories read at home every night, will unconsciously substitute our traditional Bible story for what the Bible actually says. Somehow, we manage to read the words while our mind replaces the text with a modified fanciful story. Here I will try to look at four common Bible stories that many of us get wrong.

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What a Minor Has For Us
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

What a Minor Has For Us

Slotted into the back of the Older Testament a reader finds a dozen smaller books of prophecy. Because of their length, Augustine first called them the "Minor Prophets," but in terms of message, there is nothing minor about them.

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Revelations on Revelation
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

Revelations on Revelation

I've had a love-hate relationship with Revelation. I love it because it is a fantastic ending to God's written Word, the Bible. I hate it because too often Christians believe they have the book figured out with elaborate charts, naming names, and setting dates.

Despite the differing interpretations of the book, is there some common ground we can all agree on?

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Stacking Stones
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Stacking Stones

Think back...way back to the beginning of your faith journey. Now, sift through your mental photo albums looking for times when Jesus photo-bombed your life and times. Collect these just like the guys hefting stones from a river bed and assemble your own monument of God showing up. Some of these may be dramatic and others might look coincidental, but if you look hard enough, there he is in the background.

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Why Food, Cooking, and Hospitality are Sacred
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Why Food, Cooking, and Hospitality are Sacred

During my widow years, I lived in a lovely guesthouse high on the side of Awbrey Butte with tall trees growing up to the balcony. The kitchenette was the width of two cabinet doors, it featured a bar sink and below-the-counter fridge, and I had to unplug the hot plate to use the toaster oven. Needless to say, I didn’t throw large dinner parties.

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Al Hulbert Al Hulbert


What does it mean to you to have God present in your life?

We, as followers of Jesus and believers in the truths that we learn from scripture, at our best, try to integrate what we know into how we live on a practical level. While that sounds good, we then run smack into ourselves, our selfishness, our prejudices, our politics and our worldview.

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Four Effective Ways to Simplify Your Life
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Four Effective Ways to Simplify Your Life

When I was first widowed, friends offered to move me closer to my daughter and her family on the east coast. The catch: Everything needed to fit into their 10-foot cargo trailer. I pared down further … and it all fit, much like a 3-D jigsaw puzzle.

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Be What You Is, Not What You Ain’t
Michael Long Michael Long

Be What You Is, Not What You Ain’t

On Easter Sunday, April 11, 1971, I learned who I really was. It was both a shock and a relief. A shock because I discovered I was not at all who I thought I was. And a relief because…I discovered I was not at all who I thought I was.

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Along the Way
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Along the Way

Picture in your mind any of the times when God seemed so real, so close that you felt your life would never be the same. Maybe it was recently, or perhaps years ago, but these "mountain-top" experiences punctuate a spiritual life. It may have been at a retreat, or a church service, or alone in a meadow, or during prayer with a close friend. Moments like this are special enough and powerful enough that many faithful folks go on searching for them to repeat, and where nothing else quite measures up.

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The Gift of Thoughtfulness
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

The Gift of Thoughtfulness

Before Dan left for a full day of volunteer work, he pulled the car out of the garage, and in its place, he parked Matilda (our affectionate name for the Jeep Wrangler). So when it was time for my morning appointment, Matilda would be warmer than if I had to tromp through the snow, lift the heavy shop door, and start her up.

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Favorite Reads from 2022
Austin Evans Austin Evans

Favorite Reads from 2022

I know we have some avid readers at Foundry Church, and I thought it would be a fun conversation starter to share some of my favorite [extrabiblical] books from the last year.

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Navigating the Holidays
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Navigating the Holidays

Here we are again, wrapping-deep in Christmas week. Messages abound, even mine last week, with lessons and reminders to take the story of the birth of Jesus, rich with colorful characters, looking for lessons for how we might live better lives in our times. The backdrop for Joseph and Mary rivals anything folks face today: Living in an occupied land under a harsh regime, later being refugees fleeing to Egypt to escape a death plot aimed at their child, certainly economic uncertainty, and on it went for them. And they chose to follow God on their interesting journey.

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7 Gifts to Give Yourself This Year
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

7 Gifts to Give Yourself This Year

My daughter Summer married her college sweetheart in the month of December. Several years and six children later, Josh and Summer are still sweethearts. And the only way they can get away for a few days together is when a grandparent is present.

This is where I come in.

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