The First Two and the Last

1. On Sunday morn I rushed to church,
afraid I would be late.
The deacon met me at the door
and smiled as I passed.
"The sermon will be good", he said,
"our first song's number eight.
We won't sing all the verses,
just the first two and the last."

2. Announcements came, one guest stood up—
Bill Wilson's youngest niece.
We sang some hymns but not verse three,
we sang the last instead.
They passed the plate. The organ played
a very lovely piece.
And then the pastor rose to speak,
and this is what he said.

(Verses three and four omitted)

5.  A hush fell on the list'ning crowd
as Pastor took his seat.
The impact of that mighty word
would never be surpassed.
And then at last we rose to sing,
to make the day complete,
Three verses of our closing hymn:
the first two and the last.


Bible Memory Challenge!

