


Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright


It is easy to set our eyes on what doesn’t matter. This world has a way of making things that have very little, if any, eternal value seem like they’re all that matters. We can easily be distracted from the best and the eternal by the good and the temporal. When this happens we become inward focused and can be overtaken by fear and anxiety.

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What José Models
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

What José Models

Does the name Jose' Andres ring a bell? No? Well, he's worth hearing about.

I don't know a lot about him, but here's what I discovered. Andres is a Spanish-born American chef, well known for his cooking and his restaurants, mostly on the east coast. Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010, Andres chose not to just give money and use his platform as a celebrity chef to garner support, he set up emergency kitchens to provide meals and basic food aid for the poorest of the poor and went to work with his craft.

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Staying Connected to the Vine
Francie Towne Francie Towne

Staying Connected to the Vine

What have I been learning from the Lord lately? He has been reminding me that I don’t need to earn grace and love from Him.

This seems so simple but truly, it’s super hard to accept and even understand. When every tangible thing and every person around us has to earn love and respect and grace. But it is God who made those things.

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Jesus and Women
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

Jesus and Women

Recently another high profile Christian leader has resigned amid accusations of improper relations with women. A flagship evangelical publication has been rocked by a past history of sexual misconduct and cover up. Political leaders who profess faith have a history of exploiting women.

No wonder the unbelieving world has labeled Christians misogynistic.

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Ambushed in the Morning
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Ambushed in the Morning

So, there I was, sitting in my reading chair early in the morning, tending to my knitting. My bible was open to Luke 6, cruising along, and suddenly I got ambushed by Jesus' words from the Message translation.

Why are you so polite with me, always saying "Yes, sir," and "That's right, sir," but never doing a thing I tell you? These words I speak to you are not mere additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundation words, words to build a life on.

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Saying “Yes” When Life Takes a Left Turn
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Saying “Yes” When Life Takes a Left Turn

Dan put away the snowblower, we positioned the Adirondack chairs around the fire pit, and I arranged matching cushions. It was 78 degrees. We were expecting guests. And it was spring.

During this change-of-season ritual, I commented to Dan, “You know this means it will snow again, right?”

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Exiles, Aliens, and Citizens
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

Exiles, Aliens, and Citizens

Despite having lived in Bend for the past 15 years, I honestly don't feel at home here. Of course, I value the friendships I've made and the experiences I've enjoyed here in central Oregon. But somehow it just doesn't feel like home.

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Calling Down Fire
Austin Evans Austin Evans

Calling Down Fire

Elijah was a “bad dude.” If you were a king and a contemporary of Elijah, you had better watch out. Case in point, 2 Kings 1, where Elijah called down fire on groups of 51 men not once, but twice, in order for King Ahaziah (of Israel) to learn who was boss.

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Merry Christmas! (Is This Too Late?)
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

Merry Christmas! (Is This Too Late?)

No, this is not late. I don't have the date wrong, nor am I confused about the season. I know it is the Easter season. But Christmas and Easter are so intertwined, so interdependent, that it's impossible to have one without the other.

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What a Weekend…
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

What a Weekend…

On a recent weekend I joined with about a dozen older adults who served 21 younger adults up at Suttle Lake Camp. The reason to give up a perfectly good Thursday evening to Sunday noon was to introduce these high school seniors to the next chapter of their lives. The weekend is the brainchild of a faithful couple who, 22 years ago, saw there were holes in their own kids' and their friends' readiness for life as adults, so Life 101 was born.

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What Would It Look Like to Slow Your Pace?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

What Would It Look Like to Slow Your Pace?

Dan and I filled our hydration packs with water, made sandwiches on sourdough bread, tossed in tangerines and trail mix, and grabbed layers of outer wear. It had been too long since we’d hiked in the wilderness.

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Wisdom from Moses and…Yogi
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Wisdom from Moses and…Yogi

Yogi Berra, born and raised in the Italian Hill neighborhood of St. Louis, and famously played baseball for the Yankees, gave us much to be thankful for. Aside from his remarkable play as both a gifted catcher (he threw right) and a creative hitter (he batted left), he may be best remembered for his "Yogi-isms", malapropisms that twisted words and yet made so much screwy sense. Below are a few of my favorites.

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Are There Chaff Sifters in your Life?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Are There Chaff Sifters in your Life?

In the family photo taken at our wedding, seven of our kids and grands come from a different location on the planet. Dan’s daughter was adopted from Korea. She married a man whose parents immigrated from Thailand. Dan’s son married a first-generation Persian woman. My son chose a Hispanic bride. And my daughter and her husband adopted three boys from Uganda.

We are an American family.

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Resurrection Day!
Trevor Waybright Trevor Waybright

Resurrection Day!

Springtime brings flowers, warmer weather, new life, and a fresh feel to the air. It is interesting that God chose this time of year to bring about the greatest event in all of history.

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Wounded Healers
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Wounded Healers

Newsflash: We all fail.

Sure, we know that, but we can become quite skilled at hiding our faults and stuffing our weaknesses to the point of living a life that is somewhat false. Folks can grow to resemble a movie set where a whole scene looks good from the camera but is only a façade. That can be a lonely and tenuous life as that person dreads being found out.

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Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus..."

The song brings back fond and very specific memories.

As a young boy, probably in second or third grade, my parents would manage Ferrier Point Bible camp, situated on the far west tip of Nootka Island that lies to the west of Vancouver Island.

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Can God Really Do That?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Can God Really Do That?

Together, Dan and I have nine grandchildren—a toddler, two out of high school, and six kids in the middle.

My new daughter-in-law, Azla, sent a photo of The Middles taken at our wedding. All six of them are sitting at a picnic table wearing smiles that range from impish to goofy. They had only met the day before.

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Keeping the Passover
Jeanne Patka Jeanne Patka

Keeping the Passover

In a few weeks I’ll be hosting a Seder dinner at my house for the ladies in the Hebrews Bible Study. We’ll be in chapter 11 “by faith Moses kept the Passover.” This will be my second time hosting a Seder.

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Unlock All the Doors
Michael Long Michael Long

Unlock All the Doors

If you compare your life to a house, you may have invited Jesus in, but each of us keeps one or more rooms locked and the key hidden so Jesus can't get in to straighten up. In these rooms we hide our secret pleasures that we know Jesus would disapprove of. Maybe it's

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I’m Not the Good Guy
Austin Evans Austin Evans

I’m Not the Good Guy

Something about my personality makes me want to be one of the good guys. When I was a kid, I cheered for the Lone Ranger and He-Man. I liked the honor and respect they got from others, and I like it when people respect me. It used to be easy to win that respect by being polite, working hard and doing the right thing. I’m finding those tricks don’t work as frequently as they used to.

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