For the Thirsty

Read this. Then read it again slowly. Picture yourself in this scene:

The poor and homeless are desperate for water,

Their tongues parched and no water to be found.

But I’m there to be found, I’m there for them,

And I, God of Israel, will not leave them thirsty.

I’ll open up rivers for them on the barren hills,

Spout fountains in the valleys.

I’ll turn baked-clay badlands into a cool pond,

The waterless waste into splashing creeks.

I’ll plant the red cedar in the treeless wasteland,

Also acacia, myrtle, and olive.

I’ll place the cypress in the desert

With plenty of oaks and pines.

Everyone will see this. No one can miss it—

Unavoidable, indisputable evidence

That I, God, personally did this.

It’s created and signed by the Holy of Israel.

~Isaiah 41:17-20

I want to be part of this passage. I can see myself standing in a place where water has no business being there. But God, Master of all creation, brings pure, drinkable, clean, swimmable, splash-worthy water. Then He plants strong trees there to thrive.

Are these verses literal, or are they about the soul?

Because if they are about the soul, then it gives me tremendous hope. Hope for those whom I love dearly who don’t love God. Hope for those who are going through extremely hard times. Hope in their current waterless desert. In Jesus’ name, bring them this water, Lord.


Francie Towne

My name is Francie and I like to draw, paint, explore nooks and crannies, read books, make homemade ice cream and tell funny stories!

Not the Worst


Working for Smiles