Yesterday, Today, and Forever

“Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

What would I do if Jesus changed the essence of His character throughout the Bible? It would be utterly confusing. He wouldn’t have generations of followers, that’s for sure. The more I study the Bible, pray, learn… the more I feel completely at home when I open my Bible, or talk to Him, or wait. Because He is the same yesterday, today and forever. It’s another proof that God is who He says He is. Right?!!

No group of men, separated by thousands of years and unique cultures, could ever write collectively about one God and keep His essence of character consistent unless One and only One God were the ultimate author.

My mind is again, blown.

Francie Towne

My name is Francie and I like to draw, paint, explore nooks and crannies, read books, make homemade ice cream and tell funny stories!

Growth, Not Change


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