


Invited to the Table
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Invited to the Table

There was the Thanksgiving when I was alone at my son and daughter-in-law’s place in Tucson (well … not completely alone, if you count my grand-dog, Chloe). I signed up to help serve a community Thanksgiving meal at the Salvation Army, and by the end of the day I was exhausted. But in a very good kind of way.

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Five Objects of Wonder, Part 2
Austin Evans Austin Evans

Five Objects of Wonder, Part 2

Last summer I shared about five things that are so astonishing, they make me want to throw my hands up in praise to God. As promised, I have provided five more below. I hope they do the same for you, and I would love to hear from you if there are things that you consider objects of wonder.

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When Life Don’t Easy
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

When Life Don’t Easy

Waiting for a deliverance, for some, seems to come easy. To folks wired like me, who get frustrated if I miss an opening in a revolving door, not so much. I recall a special needs student who explained why he sometimes had outbursts. He simply said, "Life don't easy." I can relate. With so much to be thankful for, and following a God who has shown himself faithful time and again, why would I doubt a deliverance was on the way, but I often do.

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Mark Anderson Mark Anderson


We have adopted three children whom we love very much. It's not a normal thing for people to do when they are in their seventies, and had we known that within a year of adopting them Lois would have cancer we might have hesitated. I'm glad we didn't know then, because since these children were infants, we have known them and have grown to love them. We could not imagine not having them as our own.

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When I Pray…
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

When I Pray…

Ever listened, really listened to how folks pray? Better yet, have you ever paid attention to what you say when you pray? All too often it seems my prayers major on the stuff I hope God will do for me and mine. Don't get me wrong, we are encouraged to ask for what we need, but if we settle there time will show if we shrink down to a room of mirrors. For followers of Jesus, that is no way to live.

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Things Jonah Can Teach Us
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Things Jonah Can Teach Us

If you are like most folks, you have at least a passing recollection of the story of Jonah.

This reluctant prophet was called by God to travel east from Israel to proclaim God's message in Nineveh, the capital of ascendant Assyria. Known for brutality and ungodliness, this land of foreigners (in present day Iraq) was a direct threat to Israel. Understandably, Jonah scooted west and hopped a ride on a ship to Tarshish. Instead of going some 700 miles northeast, he intended to get as far away west as possible.

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Finding Our (Vocational) Identity
Mike Coughlin Mike Coughlin

Finding Our (Vocational) Identity

I believe I've been called to be a pastor. That calling is both internal (I sense in my heart God's calling on my life) and external (God's people, the church, recognize that calling in my life and ministry).

In addition, Scriptures like Jeremiah 23:1-6, Ezekiel 34, John 10:1-18, I Peter 5:1-4 have shaped my identity as a shepherd of God's people.

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Desire and Mercy
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Desire and Mercy

So far, 3.5 years into Grandparentland, I'm a fan. Remembering back, I think I was so busy scrambling somewhat cluelessly when our girls were toddlers that I missed some of the magic of a young life. Now, I find it easy to watch our daughter's daughter wander through her territory of discovery and experience sheer delight at the small things I rush right by, like …

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What If We Could Enjoy the Journey? 
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

What If We Could Enjoy the Journey? 

Some expanses of life’s journey are sweet. And some are unbearably heart-rending. But what if we make memories, and stretch our legs, and find the perfect kite, and feel the sand on our bare feet? Would that bring a bit more joy as we allow God to shape us through the hard places?

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Who Do You Say I Am?
Michael Long Michael Long

Who Do You Say I Am?

Two men have had a tremendous influence on my ability to verbalize my faith in the form of a credo—Simon Peter and J.I. Packer. And rather than diluting their statements, with which I concur, let me quote them directly.

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Cycles and Circles, But…
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Cycles and Circles, But…

In the midst of hard times, when we hope strong people will grow and emerge, folks of faith can wonder, "Where is God in all this?" Even in difficulties of our own making faith can waver and trust can wander. While we may not blame God for our circumstances we come close to that mindset. The difference lies in the God we follow.

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What Season Are You In?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

What Season Are You In?

This is my favorite time of year, this golden-aspen-football-pumpkin season that extends to turkey-more-football-pie-gratitude season, followed by the snow-falling-tree-decorating-music-lights-gift-giving season.

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Austin Evans Austin Evans


It’s election season, which means our mailboxes are stuffed with card stock treasures from a gaggle of brave and/or foolish public servants. And like the junk food that fills the sacks of Halloween trick-or-treaters, our recycling bins are packed with junk mail. The assortment of rainbow-colored ads is mostly bitter, not sweet, as the most effective persuasion technique appears to be good old-fashioned mudslinging.

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Then There Was Mary
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Then There Was Mary

A bit ago a memorial service was held for a dear friend, Mary. Having a part of the service was a gift and the time turned out to be just what a celebration of a believer's life should be. Long ago I was taught that there are three goals of a good funeral: Highlight the guest of honor, Comfort the bereaved, and Challenge those remaining.

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What Does Your Crew Look Like?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

What Does Your Crew Look Like?

We were never meant to do life alone, to carry our heavy burdens by ourselves. And parenting is surely one of the heaviest loads because of the precious cargo. Hosting the grands is one way we partner with our kids to help ease their load from time to time.

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Act or Hesitate?
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Act or Hesitate?

For many of us, fall means football (and if it doesn't for you...hang with me for a bit). High School, college and the pros draw the attention of the nation. While soccer remains king of world-wide sports, American football sure moves the needle in the US. A couple of Fridays ago over 4,000 fans piled into Summit High's stadium and watched a great game between the Storm and the Bend High Lava Bears. It was a back-and-forth contest that hinged on just a couple of plays. Unless something weird happens, these two will see each other again, deep in the state playoffs.

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Jolly Green Giant and the Cow
Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

Jolly Green Giant and the Cow

In Pakistan we worked with a relief organization that had interesting names for their vehicles. There was a tiny Daihatsu jeep that they named the bouncy Tigger. There were two Toyota Dinas that our kids had the joy of naming Dina Might and Dina Soar. Then there was a large green Toyota Land Cruiser affectionately called the Jolly Green Giant.

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Lessons from the Road
Al Hulbert Al Hulbert

Lessons from the Road

The Psalms of ascent in the Hebrew Bible were road songs sung by pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem for religious festivals and are found toward the back of the bible's songbook. The lyrics affirmed faith, they reminded of true truths and encouraged travelers to do the hard work of trekking onward. One of my favorites is Psalm 133. The first line reads:

How good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity.

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Why Vigilance?
Marlys Lawry Marlys Lawry

Why Vigilance?

I can’t be anywhere at the Oregon coast without thinking of my young friend, Charity, who watched helplessly, hysterically as a sneaker wave snatched her husband and 3-year-old son out to sea.

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