Testimony: How People Can See Jesus in Our Stories

I became a Christian my freshman year in college. Naturally, it was my life's most changing experience. And early on in my life with Jesus, I was discipled by a campus ministry to tell others about what Jesus had done in me.

One of the ways to tell people about Jesus was to "share my testimony"; in other words, tell my Jesus story.

All of us who know Jesus have a Jesus story. It may be dramatic like being rescued from addiction to a clean and sober life. It may be the quiet transformation of growing up in a Christian home and slowly coming to the realization that you belong to Jesus.

We all have a Jesus story.

And people love stories. Whether it's Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, The Chosen, or even Yellowstone on Paramount (!), people feel they can relate to the characters and plots in the stories.

Jesus used stories. They're called parables. Eugene Peterson calls parables "subversive" in that they get behind the defenses people erect to spiritual truth.

But how do we construct such a story, our Jesus story?

First, consider Paul's Jesus story in the New Testament

Paul was quite autobiographical in describing his encounter with Christ. Read these passages to get a flavor of how to tell your story: Acts 21:37-22:21; 22:30-23:11; 24:10-21; Acts 26; 2 Cor. 11-12; Phil. 3:4-11.

Second, write out your Jesus story honestly in your own words

There's a tendency in our circles to sensationalize our stories. Tell yours honestly and include meaningful Scripture from your life.

Finally, be ready to share your Jesus story in conversation with others

As opportunity arises, share snippets of your Jesus story with others. In our secular culture, you might get a blank stare or vigorous opposition. You may receive condescending remarks like, "well, that's good for you." Nevertheless, trust the Holy Spirit to use your story to magnify Jesus in another's life. He's the Hero of all our stories!

We all have relationships which provide opportunities to tell our Jesus story. We need not shoehorn our testimony into a conversation. We do need attentiveness to the Holy Spirit when we can speak what Jesus has done for us.

Several years ago, I was fly fishing with a group on an Idaho river. One day, I ended up in a raft by myself with a guide named Dave. He asked if we could stop at a special place on the river to leave some of his father's ashes. Dave's dad was a Christian; Dave was not there yet. I told him how honored I was that I could be with him in this special moment. I shared part of my Jesus story with Dave and prayed with him. I don't know where Dave is spiritually, but it was a God moment where some of Jesus and his story could be shared.


Women of The Hymnal


What (or Who) Is Your Obsession? (Part 3)