The Super Power of Consistency

Consistency is one of the golden keys to success. It is a super power, and my friend, Al Hulbert, has it. On Tuesday morning I know I will see his name in my email inbox with a fresh installment of his coveted pearls of wisdom. I am so habituated to Al’s weekly email that I say to myself, “Oh, it is Tuesday” when I see an email from him. So reliable is this production that it, together with others, forms the frame of The Forge, the Foundry Church blog.

Al’s email is like receiving a weekly box from a local farm CSA. The farm box contains freshly picked seasonal produce. Sometimes they add recipes for how to prepare some of the contents. This is Al’s email. Seasonally relevant, replete with nutritious soul food from God’s Word, tips on application and the fun spice of music and jokes.

The email started back during COVID when the wise church leaders of Foundry Church put their genius minds together and collaborated on how to encourage the church family from afar. Al began generating a weekly email to a list of many in and outside of our community. I have taken such pleasure in reading Al’s words that I have forwarded his email to others. I would liken it to sharing zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, peaches and plums from the garden knowing the recipients will likely be quite blessed.

I heard in a meeting this week a nugget that I wrote down in my little book: “Be grateful for what I have, grateful for what I don’t have, and grateful for what has been taken away.” I have been meditating on this, pondering it in my heart. This last month or so has brought some really challenging stuff. Our community came together to acknowledge a treasured young soul that was taken away. Steve and I said “goodbye” to a family member with deteriorating health. A close friend lost a family member to suicide. Water seeks its own level, and along these lines I overwhelmingly realized that my gratitude comes from having a community that I can share my burdens with.

Trevor’s newsletter article for September encouraged us to engage with what is going on around Foundry Church. This is good advice from our Lead Teaching Elder. When we are fully present with our Foundry community, we sow the seeds of unity that bind us together. Friends don’t let friends act like eighth graders at the school dance that stay pinned against the wall with their eyes cast down.

Grab a friend by the hand and dance. We are in it whether it is our favorite song or one we don’t like so much. We recognize each other because we see each other often. Some keep rhythm and some step on toes. Some follow well, and others don’t know when to quit trying to lead. Regardless, we stay on the dance floor because that is why we are here. This is our community.

What does any of this have to do with Al? So much. Al is committed to this community as are Steve and I and so many of you. Al’s recent release told me this (regarding Col 1:15-22):

“Now, that's a prayer I would love someone to lay before God on my behalf! Every Christ-follower is free from condemnation of sin, and is welcomed into the presence of God, because of Jesus. Ed Clowney used to say, "Forgiveness says, 'You may go.' Justification says, 'You may come!'" What a release and invitation. You are free and welcomed.”

Thank you, Al, for your email and your consistency. Your words encourage me, your music sets my foot to tapping and your jokes – well, they’re not great, but I still read them and love you for them.

Janine Toomey

Janine Toomey is a co-sojourner with Steve Toomey, the love and pivot of her life. Janine enjoys seeing tax and accounting work in the rearview mirror and coffee dates with younger friends through the windshield. She is an avid reader (non-fiction in the a.m., fiction in the p.m.), enjoys the art of writing, and loves those rascally word games: Wordle, Quardle, and Waffle. Steve and Janine enjoy outdoor everything, especially when it involves their two sons and their spectacular soulmates, and their two grandchildren.


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