Skiing Alone

The significant November snows opened Mt. Bachelor for the ski season earlier than I was prepared for. We went from a warm, breezy fall to mid-winter in a weekend. So, the other Monday I wandered up to the mountain to make a a dozen laps on my own before getting on with my day.

The skies were clear, winds were calm and on this work day, and it seemed like I had the runs to myself. Sometimes when I ski alone I have music playing or an audio book or podcast to keep me company, but other days, like this one, I opted for quiet. This provides space for thought, listening, and prayer that are too often crowded to the sidelines in a life filled with noise.

Riding a chairlift is not unlike standing in an elevator where folks might be in close proximity but often say little to one another beyond a perfunctory greeting. This was that day for me. It seemed like every ride up I was either alone on the chair or left out of any conversation which gave space in my head to ponder.

After mentioning to God my friends and relatives and asking for peace in places far from here as well as in my circle, my mind drifted to the many I know who live with disappointment and pain and unanswered prayers yet who continue to walk their path in faith and hope for change. And this being the middle of Advent season, which is filled with a collection of people in the gospels showing all sides of life, caused me to remember an old couple, Zacharias and Elizabeth. Look in again on the beginning of their story in Luke 1 and let the emotion of their lives come through.

When Herod was king of Judea, there was a Jewish priest named Zacharias. He was a member of the priestly order of Abidjan, and his wife Elizabeth, was also from the priestly line of Aaron. Zacharias and Elizabeth were righteous in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord’s commandments and regulations. They had no children because Elizabeth was unable to conceive, and they were very old.

A neighbor might have expected that blessings from God would shower down on these two as both came from solid families and worked to have their lives match their words. I can imagine these were engaged in many good works for others as they lived with hidden pain. This couple lived in a society that highly valued family and here they were, unable to take part in what for many was a symbol of God’s approval.

While we can read how the story unfolds, (with Z being confronted by Gabriel as he ministered in the Holy Place and given the news of a baby coming, then Z’s [quite understandable] questioning of the message and rather abrupt response from the angel, followed by Liz’s late-in-life pregnancy and birth of John who would become the baptizer and herald for Jesus), they knew none of this. Life unfolds to all of us bit by bit, and the bit they saw was sad and scary.

Thinking about it, their story can be seen as a snapshot of Advent, when God broke into history at just the right time to a people who are less than whole and to some degree discouraged. He remembered his promises to make all things right. It also looks ahead to when ultimate justice will be done and this world will be made new and whole and healed, from the microbe to the multitude.

For Zach and Liz, surely they spent years lamenting the empty spot in their lives where a child might be. Lamenting is different than complaining since it honestly cries out to God for change, relief, redemption, or reconciliation and leads toward deeper trust in a good God. Complaining looks at the same set of circumstances and searches for someone to blame, and rarely does anything good come from grousing.

One lesson for me from their lives is that we have no idea how life will pan out. After waiting and wondering for a married lifetime if God is even listening to their prayers for a child, Z and Liz were approached at just the right time, for them and for the world, when they would indeed have a baby who would be the herald for Messiah Jesus.

Zach and Liz show us that we can live godly and fruitful lives in the midst of heart-hurts. And their particular adventure included a stunning departure from the norm when Gabriel shows up with news that God had not forgotten them. While God might not send you an angel, he sure speaks through his people in scripture, where we are promised his best for us. Then, in just the right time, God will keep his promises.

Take a few minutes today to read their story again. You will find it in two parts: Luke 1:5-25 and 1:57-80. Lean into the realness of the narrative and simply ask God what he wants you to know through their story. That’s a good place to begin.

Music is always good

Can’t forget the funnies!

While visiting a water show, a tourist asked one of the divers, "Why do
scuba divers always fall backward off their boats?

To which the diver replied, "If they fell forward, they'd still be in the


One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer needed God. So they picked one scientist to go and tell Him that they were done with Him.

The scientist walked up to God and said, "God, we've decided that we no longer need you. We're to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous things, so why don't you just go on and get lost."

God listened very patiently and kindly to the man. After the scientist was done talking, God said, "Very well, how about this? Let's say we have a man-making contest."

To which the scientist replied, "Okay, great!"

But God added, "Now, we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam."

The scientist said, "Sure, no problem" and bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt.

God looked at him and said, "No, no, no. You go get your own dirt!"

Al Hulbert

Retired pastor, teacher, school administrator, and master of witty sayings.


Braving Christmas Alone


Sometimes I Want What Mary Had