Riding Into The Sunset

What is your favorite ending to a movie? Mine is in The Karate Kid, where it ends with the classic ‘80s freeze frame after Daniel crane-kicks his way to victory, his opponent hands him the trophy with a blessing and a smile, and Mr. Myagi nods approvingly. Such a victorious scene!

Perhaps the most classic movie ending is the cowboy riding off into the sunset. Who doesn’t love watching John Wayne and his horse’s rear heading West late in the day?

Our good friend and chief editor of this blog, Michael Long, is riding into the sunset this month, closing an 18-year story of faithful service at Foundry Church. We will be waving tearful goodbyes as he and Patti drive their Teslas toward the California sun.

I have many favorite Michael memories. He shared his conversion story with me at the first men’s breakfast I ever attended, and from that moment I knew I wanted to be at this church. I want to be around people like Michael, whose lives have been genuinely and powerfully transformed by Jesus, reminding me of the gospel story’s power every time I’m with them.

All of my favorite memories of Michael involve conversations. I recall thoughtful debates at elder retreats, laughs at Christmas parties, and tears at elder meetings. Michael has blessed me with incredible knowledge about the Bible, amazing stories, and thoughtful gifts. But many years from now, the thing I will remember the most about him is simply the time we spent together walking, talking, and eating meals together.

The final words of the gospel of Luke remind me of my friendship with Michael. After the resurrection, Jesus is found walking, talking, and having dinner with his friends. The disciples had witnessed numerous miracles of Jesus, unforgettable sermons, and, of course, his gruesome death on the cross. But at the end of the day, the time they spent with Jesus is what grounded and transformed them. The intimate moments, like when they hung out on a boat or sat around a fire together, invited opportunities to really understand the depth of Jesus’s love and truth.

My relationship with Jesus is formed around the quality time I spend with him. For thirty years, I have grown to love him through meditating on his word, spending time in prayer, and serving alongside him.

If anyone serves me, he must follow me. Where I am, there my servant also will be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. – John 12:26

I am grateful for the people God has put in my life to show me what a real and raw relationship with Jesus is supposed to look like. Michael Long is one of those people.

Michael, thank you for walking, talking, and eating dinners with me. I will miss you and remember you with great fondness. As you ride into the sunset, be encouraged by the legacy of love, truth, and faithfulness you left at Foundry Church. As Joe Esposito would say, “You’re the best around!”

Austin Evans

After graduating from Pepperdine University, Austin enjoyed a brief professional baseball career with the Texas Rangers organization. Austin has a BS in Mathematics from Pepperdine and an MA in Education from the University of Massachusetts. He taught high school mathematics for 8 years and now owns and operates licensed care facilities.

Austin and his wife, Sara, have four children and are involved in the ministry of adoption of orphans.


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