It’s an All-Skate!

True confession time: I’m not comfortable saying, “God spoke to me.”

Honestly, I both admire and wonder about those who do have that confident closeness to the Holy that they can assert, with certainty, what God might want for them or others. But that doesn’t diminish my belief that the Spirit nudges, prompts, or sometimes trips his children into worthwhile conversations or directions or ministries. And lately, I’ve had a ringside seat to one of those occasions.

My bride, Claudia, lives as a quiet, godly, supportive, creative Jesus-follower. It’s been fun to see her grow in her faith and press into new territories of living out her life with God. We talk often how much we have changed over the years as we have gotten ever more comfortable with each other and with Jesus. A friend once said, “Life is messy and God is mysterious.” She has seen both and embraces life wholeheartedly.

This year, prompted by the Spirit, Claudia has been sewing small purses for girls in Zambia, in which they receive sanitary pads (sewn by Zambian women), underwear and a bar of soap. This small gift keeps girls in school during their monthly cycle and sets them up for success, both in school and beyond. Claudia made a trip in the spring with a small group to see it for herself and came home both confident in what they are doing and with fresh wind in her sails to be a part of it.

Each September, the all volunteer organization behind this, called Sew Powerful, holds a “Sew-A-Thon” to raise money to keep the education, feeding and sewing factory in the Ngombe Compound (a huge slum in the middle of Lusaka, Zambia) going. Claudia has committed to sewing 80 purses in September and raise money for the cause (I can hear the sewing machine at work from across the house as I write this).

For her, the Sew-A-Thon fundraiser is far outside of her normal life and comfort zone, but she’s all in because she sensed the nudge from the Spirit to make a difference in the lives of a few girls she will never meet. Pretty simple. She immediately said, “You bet!” when God asked for her time and talent.

While I’m so pleased to be called Claudia’s husband, the message is clear to any one of us. These days it is so easy to draw a pretty small circle around me and mine and hope the needs beyond my reach are met by someone else. But we do carry a measure of personal responsibility, and while I can’t change the world, I might just change for the better my corner of it.

**I just realized I banged this drum recently with the “Through Hikers” post. Sorry, but it has been kind of top-of-mind lately and, honestly, I wanted to turn the spotlight on my girl for a week. Again, sorry…but not really.

As we go through our day, I believe our ways are populated with chances to act as God’s agents for change. Our part is two-fold:

  • First, to carry a willing heart to act for the good of another which calls for me to erase my small circle; and

  • Second, to intend (ahead of time) to respond to the nudge of God to speak, act, give, share, invite, or pray. Most times this is simple and a “one-off” but might just as easily develop into a new avenue of involvement, like Claudia’s purses.

Our bible is filled with calls for us to invest in others, to be generous, to do the most we can with what we have. Hebrews 13:16 is just one of dozens.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Ever wonder what makes the Father elbow the Son, crack a smile, and say, “Wow. Did you catch that action!”? I kind of think one recurring occasion is when he sees us getting in on the fun he has to make things just a bit better.

If you would like to know more about what Claudia is up to, check out

And here is my shameless plug. If you would like to contribute to her cause, there is a “donate” button at the top of the page that leads to a “Sew-A-Thon” link. Claudia’s participant ID # is 56121.

Serving in response to the Spirit is like the “All Skate!” announcement at the rink. So many chances to join in the fun. Just in our town we have…

  • Dan running the Shower Truck

  • Debbie volunteering with AmeriCorps Seniors

  • Scott and his dog visiting in the hospital

  • Ken fixing cars

  • Marlys and her gift of hospitality and conversation

  • H, Mark, and Lenny with the Share Van

  • Dorene (and her guy) keeping folks connected via email

  • The Foundry crew at Family Kitchen

  • Austin and Sara encouraging families who adopt

  • Doug and Loretta making connections at Touchmark

  • Annette filling food bags to hand out at the church office

  • Chuck with the homeless Villages and camps

  • The women of our prayer ministry

  • …and on and on goes the parade of folks with a big and wide circle!

Jump in. You will not regret it…just ask Claudia.

One final word from Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Christianity is more than a one-to-one relationship between the individual and God, important as that is. The relationship also has to be with the outside world.

It’s that time! Music for the moment…

And funnies? You betcha

"I came in to make an appointment with the dentist," said the man to the receptionist.

"I'm sorry sir," she replied. "He's out right now, but..."

"Thank you," interrupted the obviously nervous prospective patient. "When will he be out again?"


It was John's turn to drive carpool into town on a day when a new member was traveling along for the first time. As they rode along he began to be suspicious of his new carpooling passenger.

John checked to see if his wallet was safe in the pocket of his coat that was on the seat between them, but it wasn't there. He immediately slammed on the brakes, ordered the fellow out, and said, "Hand over the wallet!"

The frightened carpooler handed over a billfold, before John drove off, leaving him alone at the side of the road. When he arrived home that evening, he started to tell his wife about the experience.

Just as he started to recount the whole story, she interrupted him, saying, "Oh, that reminds me, John. Do you know that you left your wallet at home this morning?"

Al Hulbert

Retired pastor, teacher, school administrator, and master of witty sayings.




The Porch Fairy … or Provoking One Another to Good Deeds