
Recently, I read Psalm 2:1-4 which says,

“Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.’ The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.”

These verses centered me today and calmed me in its reminder that God is sovereign. How grateful I am to believe that! This is a message to the world leaders (then and now) who plan and conspire; and how they want to break their shackles; (they actually have the nerve to think God is a shackle) and do their own thing. What is God’s response? Laughter. Yep, He laughs. And as sure as I am that I would positively shrivel up to hear that laugh in person, I am comforted by it too. His laugh says not to fear the world, its leaders, the political decisions, or whatever I’m not in control of.

Recently for me it was anticipating a steroid shot to the arm, OW! But even in that tiny room where patients wait for doctors, God was there with me. So why in the heck would I trade my precious God, His care for me, His involvement in my life, His miracles, His guidance when I’m floundering and messing up, His grace and patience, and a million other ways He shows tremendous love….for the fear of the world? Fearing the world is most certainly a shackle. Said perfectly by Timothy Keller,

“To be intimidated by the world is as spiritually fatal as being overly attracted to it.”

Francie Towne

My name is Francie and I like to draw, paint, explore nooks and crannies, read books, make homemade ice cream and tell funny stories!

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