Dang Old

If you’re aged like fine cheese (or just smell like it), this week’s message is for you. If, however, you are just a pup and reading this, you might keep the ideas for future reference since unless you go toes-up prematurely you will someday enter the land of the wrinkled and broken. And that day will come faster than you ever imagined.

There’s an old joke of an long-married couple walking downtown on a snowy winter evening. They held hands and walked slowly looking in the store windows, not hunting for something to buy, just spending some time outdoors together.

At one window the wife remarked, “Why would they use such old and bent mannequins in their display?” “Oh, dear one,” replied the husband, gently, “that’s not the showcase, it’s our reflection.”

Few of us see ourselves aging, but the mirror and scales don’t lie. The other day I came across useful categories for various ages. Go ahead and slot yourself where you think you fit…I’m sure your chuckleheaded friends will set you straight!

  • Young

  • Old Young

  • Young Old

  • Old

  • Old Old

  • “Dang! Quick, call Willard Scott” Old

I recently recognized another year around the sun and yet by some miracle, still above the roses. Plenty of nice words came my way, but the truth is, I feel like I’ve been around since God’s dog was a puppy. As we grow older, retire, and slow a step the wise ones among us discover the beauty in this new territory, while lots of folks fight like mad to deny that gravity always wins.

The bible has much to say to the bad-hip, can’t hear, thinning-hair crowd. Allow me to skip a stone across a few of them.


This one from Proverbs reminds me of direction and process.

A gray head is a crown of glory, it is found in the way of righteousness.

Over the decades as we walk the Jesus way we learn more and more how to weave the Jesus truth into the life-tapestry we create and, if successful, that opens up to us the Jesus life, full and fun. This life is the way of righteousness, not strict adherence to rules but listening to the God-music all around us and dancing with him every day.

So, we relax with our gray hair (and all that goes with it). We routinely check our compass heading to not lose our way and extend grace to ourselves until we see him face to face.


Then Paul writing to the Corinthians tells me the truth.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

The truth is, our bodies wear out, waste away, fade and fail, but the promise of God lies hidden in broken-down bodies and offers renewal, day after day, as we uncover his goodness and the hope we have in Christ. While one’s field of play will almost certainly shrink with age, the chances to be abounding in God’s business never changes.

The outcome? We don’t lose heart, but launch each day with wonder, expecting God to take us up on our “open for business” sign lit in our window.


Solomon, writing in Ecclesiastes as a somewhat cranky old man, pens for himself and me a warning.

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.

It’s not smart to look back, whether personally or nationally. Older folks like me need to stop complaining about “kids these days” or whatever equivalent might be uttered. We stand called to live in the present and invest in this time and this place, building his kingdom. So…Construct. Uplift. Teach. Encourage. Challenge. Comfort. Remind.

If I get to the point of being the “get off my lawn!” guy in our circle, please, somebody slap some sense into me. Toss off the rose-colored glasses and remember that the old days were not better, just different. Let’s adjust to these days and be wise.


One more: Isaiah, when he turns from doom and condemnation of his early chapters to hope and future, serves up a fine promise to hang onto.

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

God never changes his opinion of you. The Father’s eye on you doesn’t age and weaken. Jesus will not forget your name. The Spirit within you won’t get tired of your stumbles and mumbles. After all, God made you just like you are meant to be (as comical as that might seem).

Think of what sustain entails. The interweb defines it as totally supporting and strengthening. Every day, the God of all we can imagine and so much more, leans in to lift you up for one more go. He is for you, especially as you uncover the next thing that is taken away with the aging process.

And when we don’t feel we can go on, even with his sustaining, FatherSonSpirit say, “I will carry you, child, and rescue you” … forever.

So, as one geezer to whoever is reading this mess, don’t give up. Let’s stand as tall as we are able in the face of all we face. Say words that matter to people who matter. Don’t wait. Laugh often and often at yourself.

If we share the same general age bracket (I’m afraid I’ve set sail from the Young Old category) and if this were a football game, we would be in the Red Zone, inside the 20 and driving for the end zone. Let’s not use our age as an excuse for inaction or retreat. As former Olympian Jackie Joyner-Kersee says so eloquently,

Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.

Music for the week

Jokes? You betcha

Customer: "How much is a movie ticket?"

Ticket Seller: "Fifteen dollars."

Customer: "How much for children's tickets?"

Ticket Seller: "Still fifteen dollars."

Customer: "Really? Airlines charge much less for kids!"

Ticket Seller: "Fine, put your kids on a plane somewhere and come to the movie yourself. You'll enjoy it a lot more that way."


"I've created a new computer that is almost human."

"You mean that it can think, feel, and reason just like a human would?"

"No, but when it makes a mistake it blames it on another computer."

Al Hulbert

Retired pastor, teacher, school administrator, and master of witty sayings.


My White Whale – One Year Later


When We Can Shockingly Thrive