
I have not been charged yet. It has not come to trial. But if it does, I'm sure I will be convicted of murder. I killed a man.

Oh, I didn't pull the trigger, but I was with a group of people who committed some bad things and as a result an innocent man was killed. So, according to the law, I killed a man.

I have no right now to criticize kidnappers, rapists, drug dealers, child molesters. Yes, that's bad. But I killed a man.

I can identify with the Apostle Paul, another murderer, who said he was the worst of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). By his command many young Christians had been imprisoned and some killed. That made him guilty of their death. And I like Paul am guilty of this man's death.

I didn't act alone, and I didn't realize at the time that the man would be killed. But my actions were premeditated, and I acted with careless disregard when I killed the man. I'm guilty.

Because I and many other people sinned, with careless disregard for the commands of God, Christ Jesus had to die. He was put to death on the cross because of my sin. Since I participated in His death, I am guilty of his murder. Yes, I have been forgiven, set free, but I awake every morning with the realization that I am a murderer, worthy of death, yet set free by the grace of God. I am forgiven!


Touched by Folks


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